Bill Trosch is considered to be among Charlotte’s best Civil Litigation attorneys. He has won some of the area’s most challenging lawsuits for his clients. In this interview, Bill describes the current court system as literally being “on its knees.” There are no jury trials and no one is sure when they will re-emerge. Overall, the process is taking much, much longer. We are also working in a much less persuasive environment utilizing Zoom. However, there is some good news coming out of the situation. “We’re seeing individual and company cases that would normally end up in court, being opportunities to resolve conflict” says Trosch. For example, there is a premium now, more than ever, on alternative dispute resolution.
This is allowing us to focus on 4 key strategies:
- Prevention: Can we stop disputes before they happen?
- Better and sooner negotiation: Can we respond more swiftly between parties to resolve the problem?
- Mediation: We are using this when it’s appropriate and it can be very effective.
- Arbitration: We are agreeing to arbitrate out of the court system which means finding a common agreement as to how a third party can decide the case once and for all..
If none of these measures work and the case does have to go to court, then we make the decision and we go in with an extremely strong plan. This is how we’ve always approached court so that hasn’t changed. “My approach is the same as it was prior to COVID: I believe in straight talk. If the reality isn’t necessarily what the client wants to hear, they need to hear it” says Trosch. “I also believe in education and this is where I focus on a cost/benefit analysis with my clients.”
In summary:
People do not have to be experts or understand the various specialties of the law. At some point, someone or their family will need a good lawyer. We are here to empower and comfort clients as they take on any legal decision because legal decisions are often among the most important matters that people take on in their lives. In essence, CTK is “here to help.” It’s a simple concept, but it is what has helped our company maintain a solid 50 year relationship with the greater Charlotte-Mecklenburg community.
Watch Bill’s interview here: