curates its list of Best Divorce Lawyers in Charlotte, NC based on the following criteria:
- Reputation – A history of delighted customers and outstanding service.
- Credibility – Building customer confidence with licensing, accreditations, and awards.
- Experience – Masters of their craft, based on years of practical experience and education.
- Availability – Consistently approachable and responsive, so customers never feel ignored.
- Professionalism – Providing service with honesty, reliability, and
The write-up on Conrad Trosch & Kemmy, P.A. as chosen as one of the best divorce lawyers in Charlotte says the following:
Conrad Trosch & Kemmy, P.A. practices divorce and family law in Charlotte. The firm pursues divorce settlement negotiations through mediation and arbitration as an alternative to litigation. It represents clients in matters of child custody, spousal support, child support, property division, alienation of affections, and criminal conversation. The firm counsels clients in other areas including prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, partnership agreements, name changes, parental rights for unmarried couples, and paternity actions.